Tuesday, 9 January 2018

3 Resolutions

Hey guys!

I know we’re in to the 2nd week of January now and I've had to spend it completely bed ridden, great! So to cheer myself up, I wanted to write a little post sharing some of my new year thoughts. I do feel like I’ve grown as a person in the past year, in the sense that I’m definitely more productive when I want to be and also more confident – so this is the first year I feel like I’m actually going to accomplish my resolutions.

#1 - Get on the road!

Yes I’m 20 and still don’t drive, never had a lesson or even sat behind the wheel of a car. Believe me, I want to. It’s just out of fear more than anything – I’m clumsy on my own two feet let alone in a big piece of metal with 4 wheels! I do also suffer with anxiety, so I tend to overthink and worry more than the average person (but I’m sure we’ll get in to that later).
I’m a December baby, and for my recent birthday my parents surprised me and gave me some money towards lessons. I have been so determined lately and really yapped their ear off about trying to start, and now I’ve got no excuse not to! My plan of action is to get confident with my theory and then crack on with my lessons in either late January or February – eek! Watch out everyone. No, seriously.

 #2  - Stick. To. A. Bloody. Fitness. Plan.

My weight loss journey has not been a success. To be honest it wasn’t even really a journey - more like a pit stop. I’m a total yo-yo dieter. I tried completely clean eating, macros, etc and nothing worked that well. I did start to see fantastic results with Slimming World though, but unfortunately life got in the way, and that went out the window. What I want to do this year is plan something that fits me. No strict dieting, or committing to a weekly meeting, or saying no to the odd pizza here and there. I am human, I love food and I hate the gym, but I need to balance these out. I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to go about it, but watch this space.

  #3 - Start a blog 

Well I think it’s safe to tick this one off now. Though I did put it off for aaages. I remember telling my friend Liv that this was my goal a whole year ago. Queen of procrastination over here, oops.
I guess I just wasn’t ready, but this year I gave myself a kick in the bum and completed it in the first 5 days of 2018!  I got myself a snazzy new laptop in the boxing day sales and cracked straight on. I know it’s early days but I love having somewhere to totally express myself and my thoughts, because I can truly chat for England. Now I just need to keep it up regularly of course. I'm planning on posting twice a week, more than likely a Tuesday and a Friday, but we'll see how that goes. Also, if you want to be updated on my blog, click the little Bloglovin’ button and type your email in, you’ll be notified every time I publish a new post!

I'd love to know if any of you reading this have completed these goals yourself, and how you did it. Let me know to give me some motivation!

D x

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